AXYS Community Monthly Open House
ZoomFor a link to the Zoom meeting, please email Rob & Jamie Lee at or contact them via the Facebook group: "Our proposed time for an open house on Zoom is the 2nd Tuesday of the month. We will host the room from 5-10 pm MT." "Come in when you can and leave when you want, we don't expect anyone to stay the whole night, but if you feel like it you are welcome. If this time never works for you, please tell us and we'll find a compromise." "We would like to keep this group open to all X&Y variations and subgroups because we all have a lot in common. Show up, talk about what's going on in your life, celebrate successes, and vent about the difficult moments with people who understand. Tap into your community." "Separate subgroups are really helpful and we'll make sure that everyone is made aware of the different groups. The best place to look is the support group page on the AXYS website. And we'll be talking in the group about how to find these other groups. Remember that if you don't feel like you need support right now, it's still worth showing up because you may meet someone who needs the answers that only you have." "Look forward to seeing you, AXYS Rocky Mountain Chapter" - Rob & Jamie Lee