Much of the work AXYS does is handled by our committees.  The AXYS Executive Committee:
Gary Glissman (Chair)
Larry Rakowski (Vice-chair)
Erin Frith (Secretary)
Myra Byrd (Past-chair)

serves as the main body responsible for fiscal oversight, governance and nominations. They meet monthly and email frequently. We’re grateful for their hard work and dedication that furthers our mission every day.

The AXYS Programs & Services Oversight Committee helps create, monitor, evaluate and prioritize AXYS programs and services designed to assist families and individuals impacted by X & Y variations, and the professionals who serve them. The committee ensures that our programs and services are comprehensive, family-friendly, address all variations and are sensitive to the needs and wants of individuals with a variation.

We thank:
Hannah Acevedo, chair of In-Person Support Group Sub-Committee
Ginnie Cover
Erin Frith, chair of Online Support Group Sub-Committee
Carrie Riby

for their work in this area.

The AXYS Research Oversight Committee apprises the full board of research related to X & Y variations, seeks out and/or recommends ways for AXYS to become involved in or support research, reviews and approves requests by researchers who wish to recruit for research and/or promote their research findings, and monitors the organization’s role in any research.

We thank:
Sheryl Kelly (committee chair)
Sharron Close
Gary Glissman
Susan Howell
Larry Rakowski

for their work in this area.

The AXYS Fundraising and Development Committee assists the AXYS Board and Executive Director in fundraising activities. The committee helps identify, recommend, plan, execute and monitor fundraising opportunities.  This includes working with fellow board members, members of the support group network, major donors and the X & Y variation community at-large. The committees identify and recommends tools and techniques to help maximize fundraising results. The committee regularly apprises the board of opportunities, progress and challenges related to fundraising revenue.

Myra Byrd
Gail Decker

The board welcomes volunteers who wish to assist on these committees. We have opportunities of all sizes from a one-time task to ongoing planning. Send an email to our Executive Director and let her know how you can help. She will connect you with the committee leader that best matches your talents and the time you can offer.