GALAXY Registry: Generating Advancements in Longitudinal Analysis in X&Y Chromosome Variations

Since many of the X&Y variations are rare, we need to help doctors and researchers by having one registry where they can both add medical data and access data to craft medical articles. This will help the AXYS community get better, informed medical care. AXYS supports this registry. Dr. Shanlee Davis is the lead doctor for this project.

If you join the study, you are allowing information in your medical records to be used for research. Additionally, you have the option to complete questionnaires or join a recruitment list for future research. The registry webpage is accessed here:

To learn more about this project, contact 720-777-0705 or email

(COMIRB# 20-0482, ; PI Dr. Shanlee Davis; funded in part by AXYS)

You can also enroll yourself/your child in the registry online without coming into clinic, click here for the eligibility and consent information.

View/Download the GALAXY Registry flyer