AXYS supports our community with in person and online  groups. These groups are facilitated by volunteers who schedule the programs and often arrange for speakers on topics of interest to individuals and families affected by X & Y variations. These groups offer the opportunity to share experiences with others and to learn about resources that they have found valuable. Some of our groups meet at AXYS Clinic and Research Consortium clinics. Other groups meet in libraries, medical centers, or parks.

AXYS has official online support groups for each variation. AXYS also shares information about other groups, both in person and online, that may be helpful to our community.

Registration for or indication to attend any AXYS event indicates your agreement to abide by the AXYS Activities Conduct Policy.

National Support Groups Serving All X & Y Variations

Our support group helps families who have been newly diagnosed, toddlers, kids, teens and adults living with X and Y variations. We currently offer education workshops with our local school districts, as well as community and education outreach. We also offer assistance with IEPs and Regional Center advocacy, provide support groups for all ages, hold an annual picnic, and support research through fundraising activities.

Contact: Lorena Quiroga, 818-640-5393,

(DE, Washington, DC, MD, NJ, NY, PA, VA & WV)

Serving all X&Y chromosome variations

AXYS Mid Atlantic Support Group on Facebook

Contact: Stefan Schwarz,

Next Support Group Meeting:


New York Area Support Group for X and Y Chromosome Variations
(XXY, XYY, Trisomy X, XXYY, XXXXY, Tetrasomy X, XXXY, Pentasomy X)

Contact: Avrin Slatkin,

NY Tristate KS/SCA Support Group on Facebook

Next Support Group Meeting:


This support group is for all X and Y chromosome variations.

Open to those within driving distance of Denver, Colorado, including those in Utah, New Mexico, Wyoming and Western Nebraska.

AXYS Rocky Mountain Support Group on Facebook

Support Group Meetings

AXYS Community Monthly Open House | 2nd Tuesday of the Month | Zoom

For a link to the Zoom meeting, please email Rob & Jamie Lee at or contact them via the Facebook group:

Purpose: This group will provide support to those families and individuals with X and Y variations who are in search of more information in NC, SC, GA, AL, FL, TN, MS and KY. We will provide support group meetings at various locations in and around Atlanta, GA and occasionally have social events in more comfortable venues for fun for all.

Contact:  Dorothy Boothe,

Next Support Group Meeting:


We’re starting a Texas Support Group for all ages and all X&Y variations.

Next Support Group Meeting:


Meets twice per year.


Group Leader: Carrie Riby, or 585-256-1638

Support volunteer for individuals with 47,XXY/KS: Caleb Donath,

Next Support Group Meeting


International Support Groups Serving All X & Y Variations

Contact and general information:

  • Support Group Name: Australian X & Y Spectrum Support
  • Service Area: Australia
  • Website:
  • Email:
  • Condition(s) Served: (XXY, XYY, Trisomy X, Other, All) ALL
  • Meeting Schedule: Meetings will be announced as scheduled
  • Typical meeting Location: Sydney
  • The group also runs a “secret” Facebook support group: Australian X & Y Spectrum Support. This group is “secret” (a Facebook privacy setting) to protect members’ privacy.

Group mission:

  • To provide support and information to parents of individuals with sex chromosome variations including XXY, XYY and more
  • To provide support and information to individuals living with XXY (Klinefelter Syndrome), XYY and other sex chromosome variations
  • To provide awareness and information to education and health professionals and the wider community on sex chromosome variations; to advocate and lobby on behalf of our community

Support Group News:

Australian X & Y Spectrum Support (AXYS Australia) will have a conference on Saturday 10th November in Melbourne for all adults, parents, families, health professionals and educators linked to X & Y chromosome variants. There will be a variety of fantastic speakers.

For more information please email

The group currently serves 6 other families in Greece (individuals with XO, XXX, and XXY).
Group leader, Irene Simeonidou, provides info and translates documents for them.

Her comments:
We are planning to create a Greek organization (let’s call it support group) for families affected by X & Y chromosome disorders. But for now it’s just informal “meetings” through the Internet and friendly talking on the phone. We don’t have specific arranged meetings yet (we are working on it though).

I’ll create a Facebook page in Greek, and there will be a website, too. For the time being, there is only a Greek Facebook page for the rights of people with disabilities and special educational needs in Cycladhes, that I am running and checking every day, so I can also be reached there.

Service Area: All of Greece
Mailing Address: Syros, Kalamos Galissa
City: (Island) Syros
ST/Province: Cycladhes
Zip/Postal Code: 84100
Country: Greece
Leader Name(s): Irene Simeonidou
Leader Email Addresses: &
Phone: +30 6977660860 & +30 2281062198
Facebook group:
Conditions Served: All

Condition-specific Groups


AXYS XXY Klinefelter Global Support Group on Facebook

The AXYS XXY Klinefelter Global Support Group is managed by AXYS’s official Facebook group for XXY (to protect our members’ privacy, the group is members-only and requires members to sign up).

Klinefelter/XXY Support Rocky Mountain Region Facebook Group

Klinefelter’s Syndrome (47XXY) Support Group for the Rocky Mountain Region, including UT, CO, WY, ID, & MT. Adults and parents with KS kids are encouraged to join. 

Klinefelter’s Syndrome Association (KSA) is a KS/XXY-focused organization based in the UK.

From the KSA website:

“The aims of the KSA are:

  • to offer support and information to all affected by KS/XXY
  • to raise awareness of KS and XXY especially amongst the medical profession
  • to promote research into the management of KS/XXY

The KSA vision is of universal recognition, support and understanding of KS/XXY.”

KSA on Facebook | KSA on Twitter

A Facebook page and website developed by Ryan Bregante, an adult with Klinefelter Syndrome. His mission is to help foster a new community and spread positive awareness about Klinefelter Syndrome/XXY for the world to see.

AXYS Support Group for XXY
NEXXYS: Serving MA, VT, NH, ME, CT, RI, Upstate NY

NEXXYS Facebook Group

Contact: Martha Pepek, or Bill Mulkern,

Next Support Group Meeting:


Those interested in joining should contact AXYS by email:

Our KS Sons Support Group:

The support group is for Parents of Young Adult 47,XXY Sons (18 and up). This virtual support group was started in September 2021 after one of the members attended the AXYS 2021 Virtual Family Conference and met other families with XXY sons around the same age.  We noticed our sons were beginning to transition from their pediatric doctors to “adult” medical doctors due to their age.

We currently have about 8 families in the group from NY, Colorado and California.  We have a Directory (which includes our name and cell number) for families that provide  consent to share their information.  We meet virtually via Zoom on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6 pm Pacific Time (9pm Eastern Time). We welcome parents of young adults 47,XXY ages 18 and up.

Those partnered with adults with XXY share some common experiences.

Please join our Facebook group.


XYY Global Support Group on Facebook

All new members must provide verifiable identification before being admitted to this Facebook group.

Online support available via Website | WhatsApp | Facebook Group | Microsoft Teams | LinkedIn Group | Zoom

Contact: Jackie Gubbioli Bellocq | Email: | Tel: +34629647334 | LinkedIn Profile

The primary language of this group is Spanish. Spanish-speaking persons all over the world are welcome to participate.

The aim of the 47XYY Spain group is to support affected individuals, their families, caregivers, and close friends by sharing, learning, and helping them with information, meetings, remote events, and webinars, etc. in Spanish. Our North Star includes having medical advice, active participation in clinical studies and trials, and legal support to help members to have better access to healthcare and social security funds, in Spanish. Our vision is a society where XYY individuals are diagnosed early, fully integrated, (academically, socially and professionally) supported, and recognized.

Póngase en contacto con Silvia Mann en para ser agregado a el grupo de WhatsApp. Es dedicado a brindar apoyo a padres de familia de niños con variación XYY.

Facebook Group

Area/region group serves: San Diego, CA

X and Y chromosome variation(s) group serves: XYY primarily, but will welcome other X and Y variations

Primary contact person:  Liz Claus,, 619-339-1289

Frequency of meetings: quarterly initially but would like to increase to monthly based upon group interest

This is a group for parents/guardians of children with X and Y chromosome variations as well as for individuals who themselves have an X or Y chromosome variation. This group is intended to provide support and guidance as well as to provide avenues for friendships within the X and Y chromosome community. Over time, I would like to be able to have speakers come to talk about areas of interest to the group as well as provide family events.


Trisomy X/Triple X/XXX Global Support Group on Facebook

If you would like to request to join the group or simply talk, please message the administrator.

Next Support Group Meeting

Trisomy X New Parent Support Meeting | Wednesday, February 5 | 7pm Eastern | Zoom

We ask that all attendees please adhere to the AXYS Activities Conduct Policy.

The 4th Massachusetts Area States Trisomy X Support Group meeting.

4th Massachusetts Area States Trisomy X Support Group Meeting

Massachusetts Area States Trisomy X Support Group

“Taking it to the MaXXX”

Come Join Us

Contact: Joanne Burke, Parent of Jessica Burke (Trisomy X), age 19

Support Group News

Joanne Burke presents the 2019 Massachusetts Proclamation for X & Y Chromosome Variation Awareness Month

Joanne Burke presents the 2019 Massachusetts Proclamation for X & Y Chromosome Variation Awareness Month.

November 12, 2018

Dear Families,

Thank you for joining us this fall for the 4th Massachusetts Area States Trisomy X Support Groupmeeting. It was such a pleasure to welcome and meet some new Trisomy X girls and families. We had 10 girls/women with Trisomy X and families traveling from all different areas of Massachusetts. We started our meeting with round table discussions with Sharron Close, live from eXtraordinarY Clinic Department of Human Genetics and Pediatrics, Emory University School of Medicine. Many families asked questions and participated in the discussions.  We then met as a whole group, welcoming and introducing the girls and women with Trisomy X. The older girls/women with Trisomy X met privately with the younger girls to discuss any questions or issues that they may have. It was described as a “nice bonding experience among each other.” We had lots of great food and desserts. I would like to thank everyone for bringing food/drink items to share. I would like to thank Andrea for helping to organize the event and her endless support to our girls/women with Trisomy X.  Andrea also leads the Facebook Support group for only girls and women with Trisomy X. I would also like to thank Eileen, Jim, Kayla and Sunshine for helping with organizing the meeting, setting/cleaning up and bringing activities for the children. Lastly I would like to thank my family for assisting with planning the meeting especially my daughter Jessica. I was impressed with Jessica and the women with Trisomy X who came to the meeting on their own, willing to share their stories and answer questions. It is always heart warming to see girls and women with Trisomy X meet others with Trisomy X for the first time! These girls/women are amazing and beautiful in every way! Thank you to AXYS for their continued support and providing us with the latest information and research opportunities.

I am looking forward to our continued meetings. I am open to suggestions for group outings and activities to do together as well.  I have attached the contact list so everyone can reach out and communicate with each other.  Please feel free to reach out to me anytime and if you learn of new families please along their contact information.

Thanks again to each and everyone for coming and sharing your wonderful stories and support.

Our Best to All,
Joanne Burke and Jessica (Trisomy X age 19)

Trisomy X- A Group Just For Us on Facebook

This is a Facebook group exclusively for women and young adults with Trisomy X. Expect to be messaged by the administrator before your request to join the group is accepted.

Trisomy X support group

Location: Toronto, Canada

If you are a member of the AXYS Trisomy X/Triple X/XXX Global Support Group, email Michelle Buckley at for additional information.

The group is being organized by a parent of a child with Trisomy X.

This is an informal group. Please bring your daughters with you. All children welcome.


XXYY Parents and Caregivers Facebook Group

We are a group of Parents & Caregivers of boys/men with 48XXYY Syndrome.

If you request to be a member, you MUST be a PARENT or PRIMARY caregiver to an XXYY boy or man to be approved. You will receive 3 questions when you request membership that must be answered before being approved. If you need help with translating to another language, please contact an administrator of this group. Thank you!


XXXY Global Support Group on Facebook

All new members must provide genuine answers to the membership questions before being admitted to this Facebook group.

48,XXXY Medical Syndrome Facebook Group

This group was developed for people who are associated with 48,XXXY Syndrome (aka 483xy). We would love to hear anything you have to share about this rare diagnosis!

Start an AXYS Group

Don’t see a group near your home? We will help you organize a group. You can get together one time or hold regular meetings.

Groups are started by committed volunteers. If you are interested in organizing a group, please send an email to

Reasons to consider forming a local group:

  • Create a network of people concerned about X and Y variations
  • Bring together the collective wisdom of people who have experienced similar challenges
  • Create a group that can make a difference in your community
  • Offer the lived experience perspective to legislators, the local medical community and educators

Some of the ways that AXYS will assist your local group include

  • Set up registration for the meeting(s) and collect donations to support the event(s).
  • Publicize meetings on the AXYS website, via blast emails, in our newsletter and on AXYS Facebook pages
  • Use of AXYS webinar software to hold virtual meetings or feature a remote speaker
  • Referrals to your group via AXYS’s Helpline and ACRC Clinics.

Many groups have found that a meetings with a speaker and group discussion, and social events such as picnics or meetings at restaurants work best to build a strong network. Current group leaders are happy to mentor new volunteers.

We look forward to hearing from you and having you fostering connections in your local AXYS community.