June 21 — June 27, 2021

The conference will have several types of sessions: 

Welcome and Open House Sessions on Monday. These are sessions where you can feel free to drop by and say hi, and stay as long as you wish. See old friends and make new ones.

Can We Chat Sessions are similar to the Zoom chats we’ve been having regularly since last spring. These sessions will not be recorded, so attendees can speak freely, ask questions openly, and have deep discussions. There will be a moderator for each of these sessions and lots of time to ask questions. What is discussed in the “Can We Chat” sessions is private to those who attend.

Lecture Sessions are very much like our webinars, but shorter. An expert will give a 20 minute presentation followed by 20 minutes of Q&A.

We will also have an Introduction Session on Saturday June 19 for those newly diagnosed and those attending an AXYS conference for the first time.

We’re so happy you can join us! A quick reminder that all AXYS event attendees agree to abide by the AXYS Activities Conduct Policy. Please read this prior to attending an AXYS event.

For technical support during the conference, please send text messages to 267-225-1862‬ or message us on Facebook.