AXYS has four standing committees that oversee key aspects of its business, funding and other affairs. They are comprised of Board of Directors members and others who are not current directors. If you are interested in serving on any of these committees or would like to contact AXYS about a topic germane to their respective duties, please contact us
Finance and Governance Committee
The Finance and Governance Committee is responsible for making financial, liability and governance recommendations to the Board of Directors, including but not limited to interpreting and recommending changes to the bylaws, reviewing and developing policies, identifying investment policies, providing financial and insurance liability review and oversight, reviewing the audit, ensuring adequate accountability oversight, conducting nominations and elections, and orientating new board members.
Chairperson: Uldis Silgailis
Program Committee Charter
The Program Committee is responsible for overseeing AXYS’s current programs of support, education and membership; assessing gaps in the programs we currently provide; and envisioning new programs to meet these unmet needs.
Chairperson: Amy Turriff
Fundraising Committee
The Fundraising Committee’s principal focus is to recommend fundraising goals and strategies to the board, and either to implement them or to recommend the specific process of implementation.
Acting Chair: Myra Byrd
Research Committee
The Research Committee’s charter is to identify and propel the research goals of importance to the populations served by AXYS. The committee suggests AXYS’s broad research agenda, identifies available resources and, through a designated board liaison, prioritizes these goals through an iterative dialogue with the AXYS’s Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC).
Chairperson: TBA