May 1st kicks off National X & Y Chromosome Variation Awareness Month. This is a great time to spread awareness by educating others about your or your child’s condition. With greater awareness comes greater acceptance.
You can start by sharing information with your doctors, nurses and dentists. But don’t stop there – educate your pharmacist, school nurse, teachers, family and friends too. The more that people know, the more they will understand, and greater understanding will lead to more support for all of those with an X & Y variation.
Did you know that if we all do our part to increase awareness it will help to encourage better support from educators, educate more medical professionals, establish more specialized clinics dedicated to X & Y chromosome variations, and help to fund much needed research?
We hope you will pledge to become part of the change we all wish to see for the X & Y community.
X & Y Chromosome Variation Educational Brochures
2019 Massachusetts Proclamation declaring May as National X & Y Chromosome Variation Awareness Month