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AXYS - The Association for X&Y Chromosome Variations
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Deep phenotypic analysis of psychiatric features in genetically defined cohorts: application to XYY syndrome

Article Title: Deep phenotypic analysis of psychiatric features in genetically defined cohorts: application to XYY syndrome

Authors: Raznahan, Rau, Schaffer, Liu, Fish, Mankiw, Xenophontos, Clasen, Joseph, Thurm, Blumenthal, Bassett, and Torres

Date of Publication: February 20, 2023

“Across the full XYY group, we find a complex correlation between psychopathology and functioning such that the most severely impacted symptom domains are not necessarily those most predictive of adaptive functioning or caregiver strain. Finally, network modelling suggests 8 main axes of psychopathology in XYY syndrome, with core roles for overall symptom scores, inattention, and social difficulties.”

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Associations of psychiatric disorders with sex chromosome aneuploidies in the Danish iPSYCH2015 dataset: a case-cohort study

Article Title: Associations of psychiatric disorders with sex chromosome aneuploidies in the Danish iPSYCH2015 dataset: a case-cohort study

Authors: Sánchez, Montalbano, Vaez, Krebs, Byberg-Grauholm, Mortensen, Børglum, Hougaard, Nordentoft, Geschwind, Buil, Schork, Thompson, Raznahan, Helenius, Werge, and Ingason

Date of Publication: February 2023

“Increased risks of psychiatric disorders associated with sex chromosome aneuploidies, combined with low rates of clinical diagnosis of sex chromosome aneuploidies, compromise the adequate provision of necessary health care and counselling to affected individuals and their families, which might be helped by increased application of genetic testing in clinical settings.”

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Variegation of autism related traits across seven neurogenetic disorders

Article Title: Variegation of autism related traits across seven neurogenetic disorders

Authors: Lee, Niu, Zhang, Clasen, Kozel, Smith, Wallace, and Raznahan

Date of Publication: April 7, 2022

“Gene dosage disorders (GDDs) constitute a major class of genetic risks for psychopathology, but there is considerable debate regarding the extent to which different GDDs induce different psychopathology profiles. The current research speaks to this debate by compiling and analyzing dimensional measures of several autism-related traits (ARTs) across seven diverse GDDs.”

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Patterns of psychopathology and cognition in sex chromosome aneuploidy

Article Title: Patterns of psychopathology and cognition in sex chromosome aneuploidy

Authors: Rau, Whitman, Schauder, Gogate, Lee, Kenworthy, and Raznahan

Date of Publication: December 15, 2021

“There is domain-specific variation in psychopathology across SCA groups and domain-specific correlation between psychopathology and IQ within SCAs. These findings (i) help to tailor clinical assessment of this common and impactful family of genetic disorders and (ii) suggest that dosage abnormalities of X- and Y-linked genes impart somewhat distinct profiles of neuropsychiatric risk.”

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Triple X syndrome: Psychiatric disorders and impaired social functioning as a risk factor

Article Title: Triple X syndrome: Psychiatric disorders and impaired social functioning as a risk factor

Authors: Otter, Campforts, Stumpel, Van Amelsvoort, and Drukker

Date of Publication: December 21, 2022

“This study aims to describe the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in adults with TXS in a relatively large and less biased group of participants.”

“Women with TXS are vulnerable to developing psychiatric disorders, and women with both TXS and impaired social functioning are even more vulnerable.”

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2023-01-13T12:21:33-05:00Categories: 47,XXX (trisomy x)|Tags: , , , |

Sex differences in psychiatric disorders: what we can learn from sex chromosome aneuploidies

Article Title: Sex differences in psychiatric disorders: what we can learn from sex chromosome aneuploidies

Authors: Green, Flash, and Reiss

Date of Publication: January 2019

“The study of individuals with sex chromosome aneuploidies provides a promising framework for studying sexual dimorphism in neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders. Here we will review and contrast four syndromes caused by variation in the number of sex chromosomes: Turner syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, XYY syndrome, and XXX syndrome. Overall we describe an increased rate of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder, along with the increased rates of major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders in one or more of these conditions. In addition to contributing unique insights about sexual dimorphism in neuropsychiatric disorders, awareness of the increased risk of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders in sex chromosome aneuploidies can inform appropriate management of these common genetic disorders.”

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